The Laundry is a large, private garden near Denbigh, North Wales, developed by Tom and Jenny Williams since 2009. It includes a terraced courtyard garden surrounded by old stone walls, enclosing cottage style planting and formal hedging. The old kitchen walled garden has also been incorporating into the whole garden plan. Features include, a woodland walk, roses, pleached limes, peonies and herbaceous planting.
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110 imagesImages from this set are available for stock only. The Laundry is a large, private garden near Denbigh, North Wales, developed by Tom and Jenny Williams since 2009. It includes a terraced courtyard garden surrounded by old stone walls, enclosing cottage style planting and formal hedging. The old kitchen walled garden has also been incorporating into the whole garden plan. Features include, a woodland walk, roses, pleached limes, peonies and herbaceous planting.
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